üzemanyag fuel kraftstoff

About Envirochem

Enviroment Kft

Envirochem Ltd. was established in 1992 and has been since acting as a Central European company group being in Hungarian ownership. The main lines of its activity are distribution of chemicals, fertilizers' production and sales, fuels wholesale and retail commerce throughout Central Europe. Beside Hungary we are present via our subsidiaries and agent network in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. We have petrol industry trading partners in Germany, Austria and Italy. We are maintaining business relationship also with Scandinavian and Russian petrol companies. In 2001-2004 we acted as the sole regional agent of the Polish PKN Orlen, the biggest petrol holding of the region. 
As to fuels we operate and lease storage capacities, un- and reloading facilities and transport vehicles. During the recent years, having started focusing on the fuels retail branch we keep building and running discount petrol stations.  In Hungary for the time being we run a network of 18 stations being fully automatic which all is gradually enhancing and which we intend to be spreading not only in Hungary but also on to the Central European markets. One may learn more information about our stations at www.envikut.hu